network appliance is a centralizing machine that brings together hardware, software, and services for a group or a network. While there are various types of network devices and applications, in essence a network appliance is simply a cost-saving solution for network management.

When configuring a network, a network appliances can be used to manage other network-connected devices. Some of the services that are often provided by such an appliance include:

Network Appliances


The most important role of any network is to secure remote access to the network and its data. A network appliance can be used for two-factor user authentication to eliminate the need to purchase, install and maintain a separate software-based authentication solution.


Using a network appliance to store local copies of web pages, videos or other objects will save bandwidth and allow users to access cached content much faster. In some cases, companies also use caching services to track web usage of network users.


Network appliances are also often used for critical network services such as DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) to ensure high availability and security for your infrastructure.


If your network is unable to meet downtime or other distruptions, it is necessary to make sure that the network application has failover capabilities. When the device detects an outage in your ISP, the failover should be activated automatically and provide one or more alternative connection methods (a different ISP, cellular, satellite, etc.).

Firewall protection

Using a network appliance for firewall protection allows you to create a barrier between your own network and the internet. Thus, you can monitor incoming and outgoing traffic to your network and easily block unwanted connections according to the criteria you define.

Global WiFi settings

Using a network device, it is possible to manage settings of wireless networks such as broadcast channel, frequency, bandwidth, load balancing, access point and security.

Intrusion detection

Malicious activity is extremely common and using a network appliance to detect intrusion is of paramount importance. The application will monitor and report activity and policy violations. Intrusion detection, unlike the firewall service, can also alert you to malicious activity on your network.

Network Appliance Management

A network device is usually managed through a browser interface, allowing network administrators to manage their services from anywhere and get up-to-date reports whenever they want.

Network Appliance Benefits

There are several advantages to using a network device rather than using general purpose servers or computers:

  • Easy to deploy, operate and manage
  • Compatible with almost any network connected device
  • Purposeful in optimizing performance, security and scalability
  • Cost effective

Each network is unique in its infrastructure, needs, and vulnerabilities. In sum, a network appliance is everything a network needs to be efficient, available, and secure.

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